Monday 27 May 2013

Massive Protests against Monsanto

Last weekend was a world wide protest to stop Monsanto and it's poisonous GMO's.

95% of American Corn, Wheat and Soy is now GM. This means essentially, that US population is participating in a genocide that will make AIDS look like a small cough.
Think about it. These foods cause cancer. Cancer is now one of the leading causes of death in the western world, but particularly in the USA. This is of course exacerbated by the medical professions refusal to use any cancer treatment that cannot be patented (such as the Gerson treatment).
If you are living in the USA, then for gods sake, try and eat organic, even though it may now be too late, since the genes in the food crops will have now cross pollinated will all the remaining natural seed. You see, there is a funny laws about genetics is that all genes are either moving to a stage where every creature has them, (100%) or none, (0%) In genetics, a trait (if it is useful) will gradually spread to 100% of the population, while a gene that is not useful will gradually decline to 0%.
Now, from a survival perspective, edible crops, because they are harvested cannot really evolve protection from being eaten by man, unless they become poisonous to man. 'Weeds' on the other hand (or to put it another way, plants that we do not eat) have a tremendous survival advantage by assimilating the glysophate (Roundup) resistance gene, since it will mean that they can no longer be killed by that pesticide. Already, there are cases where entire fields have had to be abandoned because of 'superweeds' that are resistant to every known pesticide. However, if you think that is bad, consider this. Hardly anyone knows how GMO's are made. If you talk to most people, what you get is an impression that the scientist snips the DNA in exactly the right place and slips in the gene.  
That is the kind of fantasy stuff you see on CSI.

This is how you really make a transgenic cell.

1. Use PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to make billions of copies of the gene. Attached to the gene they are trying to insert is another gene which enables the cell to resists a certain anti-biotic (this is called the 'marker gene')
2. They then use a specialised 'gun' to fire millions of small gold flakes, covered with the assembled genre they are trying to insert, into a petri dish filled with thousands of cells of the kind they wish to engineer.
3. After a while, the anti-biotic that the instered gene has been coded to resist is introduced into the petri dish. After a while, they look at the dish under a microscope. If a cell survives, then you know that the gene has been encoded, because the organism now also has resistance to the anti-biotic which is why it didn't kill it.
In other words, they have no idea where in the genome the new gene is inserted and not only that, but they also give the new organism a gene that protects them from antibiotics. If this sounds fucking risky, then you are right, it is.
4. The plant is then grown outdoors. Despite the Biotech Industry telling you that the reason they need GMO crops is to 'feed the world' this is bullshit for two reasons. Firstly, we already make enough food to feed everyone on the planet. The problem is that humans are selfish pricks. Secondly, NO GMO crop has EVER displayed increased yield. In fact, quite the opposite. Most GM crops have at least 20% less yield than their natural counterparts.

As if all this shit wasn't scary enough, Monsanto has developed the 'Terminator Seed' and it is much scarier than the film. Essentially, this is a seed that will sprout once, then commit suicide, meaning that the farmers will have to buy more seeds from Monsanto, because there will not be any seeds in their crop. Now obviously, the reason that this was invested was to hold countries to ransom and gain control of the food supply chain. However, I believe that the Terminator Seed was also invented for the purposes of biological warfare. However, like all biological weapons, this one is very tricky and the risk of blowback is incredible. The consequences if what would happen if the terminator gene were were released into the general population would be staggering. Every plant that expressed the gene would be sterile and produce no offspring, thus many plant species could be rendered extinct in the blink of an eye.

In short, you are what you eat. GMO food not only gives you cancer, but is incredibly bad for your immune system, meaning you are more likely to get sick. Especially in the US, this can be a life destroying incident. Organic food may be more expensive, but it's less expensive than cancer surgery.

Incidentally, if you wish to know more about the GMO debate in depth, then please watch Seeds of Death.
The youtube link is [ here ]

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